The final Day

Here we are.

For the last time I would have hoped to have given you more. Projects change scope, growing larger, unmanageable. It is a bad habit of mine. Another one is not getting enough input. In order to have a large output you need to have a large input of content. Too often I become hyper focused, pushing aside everything. It is too exciting! to be so close to the precipice of completion is a terrible curse. 

As a result of forsaking entertainment input productivity decreases. Saturday was one of those days, but I pushed it aside to do something I greatly enjoy. Gathering the art materials from the developers I went ahead and made a 50 page art book. Just like mentioned previously in the logs I made a mook! Going through art just looking, not analyzing and trying to learn, is my favorite thing to do.

If I had no need to eat, to drink, or anything, then my time would be spent gazing on art. 

Ah, we are missing the conclusion. 

It has been a decent 2 weeks, just talking here. Some people have downloaded it, some have not. No biggie. Well it's yours now. I think my dev time is done for now. Inside is a little guide for converting dmg, and hp of weapons/equipment. You are free to improve upon it. Indulge my fantasy before you leave. Imagine a site like Heroforge but with all the Spiralknights models! Posable, custom, SK miniatures that can be printed and shipped. That would be something, and it could help revive SK a bit!

Thank you as always. I hope you have fun. Enjoy the artbook.


SK Visual Works Design Reference Guide.pdf 116 MB
12 days ago
SpiralTacticsRPG_0.8.pdf 434 kB
12 days ago

Get Spiral Knights STTRPG

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