Having fun for the time being Devlog#8

Today was a good day.

It wasn't too productive since I spent it all drawing the full image that the attached teaser won't show. I like it, alot. It's unfortunate that it hurts my back to do stuff like that. (full image in full release.) 

Fan games are fun to do. Trying something like this is a nice change of pace. Tonight more than likely I'll work on the file for a bit. Today I will skip my usual Jelly king runs for you. 8 runs, 24000 crowns, and 24 jelly tokens all gone. 

What I'm looking to do today is flesh out how to run combat as the monsters. Not necessarily a guide for how best to use them, but a general "AI". Like "This unit always tries to move closer to the player." "If this unit takes a hit it flees to heal." Things of that nature. Originally I had planned to leave the fiends out. I might still do that. Look man, I have some custom creatures that I want to put in. Custom bosses.

Speaking of bosses. No promises. I'll only work on this till Saturday evening. Sunday is reserved for the mook, and after that I will finish that 5 page intro comic as I have other projects to get to this year.

I hope you get a lot of enjoyment from this game, these logs, and the art.

Thank you for reading.

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I had the file set to "No new downloads" That has be rectified. Thank you for your patience.